It is our intention to build a curriculum that enables children to develop knowledge and skills in a broad range of sporting activities, as well as developing values and transferrable life skills such as fairness and respect. We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills.
We want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team and develop their understanding of fairness. Our curriculum aims to improve the well-being and fitness of all children not only through the sporting skills taught, but also through the development of the seven School Games values – Passion, Self-Belief, Respect, Honesty, Determination, Eco-Friendly and Teamwork
The PE curriculum is taught through an AF PE accredited scheme delivered by specialist PE coaches (TFG), which is in line with the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum. Coaches are highly skilled to be able to adjust and adapt lessons to suit the needs of individuals, but deliver provision which delivers a broad and balanced curriculum. Progression documents have been planned in order to build on the skills needed to meet the end of key stage objectives in the National Curriculum.
Each class has access to 2 hours of high-quality PE lessons every week through an afternoon delivery.
The long-term plan begins by focusing on fundamental skills, moving onto skills and activities that can lead to the delivery of different sports further up school, making the links between skills and sports.
Children are given the opportunity to practice skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills, allowing them time to embed it. Different skills are recapped throughout and across the years, each time they are being built upon; allowing children to know more and remember more.
We offer a wide range of active after school clubs available from TFG after school provision to children from Reception to Year 4. A range of inter and intra events run throughout the school year, giving children opportunities to take part in competitive and non-competitive sports. Sports Leaders support the planning and implementation of whole school sporting events and run sporting activities during lunchtimes. We have achieved Platinum Sports Games Mark for the last years which is an indication of our commitment to sports and physical activity provision. For example, through the use of active playtimes and lunchtimes with play leaders, inter-school events and competition participation throughout the year and provision for Forest School.
It is our intention that children will have a secure understanding of the benefits of leading healthy lifestyles. They progress well throughout each year group and meet the National Curriculum objectives. Children are eager to attend and participate in competitive sports events and active play and lunch times, with even the least confident children being keen to ‘have a go’.