At Clipstone Brook Lower School, we strive to give our pupils an understanding of the past through learning about how our world has been changed and has been influenced by humans, their achievements and how these events have shaped the world of today. We believe the study of History should aim to inspire children’s curiosity and encourage them to want to know more about the past, and to think and act as historians by asking critical questions. It should enable them to have a better understanding of the society by building an overview of Britain’s past as well as the wider world and our immediate locality where appropriate. In addition, as part of wider enrichment opportunities which enhances the importance of local and national events. Where relevant, specific visits or visitors will be used to further knowledge and enthuse interest.
Our aim is to ignite this curiosity at an early age in EYFS, through Understanding the World, where children begin learning about the past in relation to themselves, their family and events and celebrations. We use the milestones created by Chris Quigley Education, in conjunction with our thematic planning to ensure the children develop their knowledge and skills as they move from Early Years through to Key Stage 1 and 2.
When the children leave and embark on their middle school education, our aim is to have developed young historians who have:
What approach do we take to teaching History?
Most curriculum subjects are taught through a subject- focused approach. Our medium-term plans then identify how teaching will ensure coverage of key knowledge and skills across the curriculum subject areas, including History. Links to other curriculum areas will be made where appropriate and the opportunities to read, write and use maths skills and knowledge applied.
Each topic across the school has been planned to ensure breath and balance of these skills and to develop and extend children’s knowledge and understanding. These skills have been broken down into the following key areas: Constructing & Sequencing the Past, Change & Development, Cause & Effect, Significance & Interpretation, Planning & Carrying Out an Enquiry and Using Sources as Evidence. Within each Key Stage, references will be made to prior and future learning so that children understand the purpose of each activity. Teachers will have a clear understanding of what has been taught in the previous year/ Key Stage group and the expectations in the next. Where possible, the children will utilise the local area to meet the desired outcomes. Within the children’s books, there will be evidence of supporting children with SEND, and providing challenges which deepen children’s learning. There will be a range of carefully planned activities to inspire and challenge children’s interest in the subject/ area of study.
In each classroom in Key Stage 1 and 2 there will be a ‘Topic,’ display board. This will include: children’s work, pictures of any Wow Starts, trips or special organised days that have been organised to capture and inspire the children’s interest in the new topic and factual information displayed at a reading level appropriate to the age and ability of the children so that it is useful for them to access within their own learning. Knowledge organisers will be shared with children and used as part of learning to re-cap on learning. Where possible, there will be a table top display or box, with books and any artefacts that can be used for any self- led learning about the topic or to support the main sessions.
The children will be able to talk passionately about the time period, key person or event they have just learnt about and recall the main facts. The outcomes in children’ books, and most importantly through pupil voice, will inform ongoing formative assessment, and will be used as part of subject monitoring, to provide evidence of a broad and balanced history curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge. The majority of children will achieve the outcomes identified in the History curriculum map as they move progressive in the learning journey across the school.